(I couldn't decide on the title of this post so I added all three)
Yeah, here I am again. I promised myself I would get up early today and go outside and pull those weeds before it got too hot and I really had an excuse but...I...just...can't...seem...to...pull...myself away...from art blog surfing.
Yesterday I went to one of our local vintage resale shops and was speaking to the owner who is interested in seeing/selling/buying some of my work. Uh Oh, there is that word, "work." My fear is that my art will become work so I have vowed to make sure that if I sell my art that I will not make promises that I don't want to keep. You know the type, "Sure, I can have 12 of those ready for you next week." Or, "Yeah, I can make some of those with your Aunt Martha's picture in them in time for her birthday...this weekend." I just don't want to take my love of creating and turn it into just another job so I vow to
1) Still continue to make one of a kinds.
2) Only make items that my heart urges me to make, not to try and simply please others.
3) Create at a MY pace.
You see, I've been there before. I enjoyed making art and had so much of it that I began selling my pieces and then it turned into a Production Line with deadlines. Never Again will I make this mistake. Besides, the greatest artists created for creation's sake. Not simply to fill a gallery right?
If I can stick to these rules, this should be a great experience. I would be interested to know what others feel when they see my art. Do they "feel" it enough to purchase it and display it in their own home?
Stay tuned...
Oh, in the meantime, here is a photo that you can add to your image file for use in your art. I have to tell you that I found this photo in a pile of vintage papers that I bought at a garage sale. Going through all the papers a story unfolded. A young guy in Ohio who attended high school during the 50's was interested in photography, theater, and opening his own photography shop when he finished school. Within all of his personal papers, I found his test scores from his classes, his reviews from plays he acted in, and a few photos of his friends that he took while honing his craft. This is one of those photos and it seems that the girl in the photo was a friend/love interest of his. He circled her name in all of the reviews of the plays they were both in. I don't know if he ever got together with her, but he did finally open that photography studio somewhere in Cleveland Ohio. In all of the shots of her, she seems to be posing as if her future dreams were to be a Hollywood star. In one of the photos she actually gives the photographer a shot of her panites peeking out from under her dress. I imagine that she might have actually ended up in a Playboy magazine or something. LOL.
I used this same photo in a recent piece that I made for my Year Long Workshop group. I've added a few images of that assemblage as well. Have fun with the picture and, as always, please send me an email and photos of what you have created with the images I offer you. I would LOVE to see them.
Well, now I MUST get up and see about those weeds.
More random Spice Merchant mugs
1 day ago
1. love what you created with her
2. thanks for letting us use her too
3. I also like "one of a Kind" art and think people like the idea of buying 1 of 1!!!!
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