I love Saturday mornings.
Sitting here on my bed amongst the dirty clothes, half-empty glasses and the overflowing ashtray on the bedside table I plan my day, update my blog, think about what I can make today as I reach over to kiss and talk to my always loving lab Molly. It is a great day when I don't have to jump out of bed and get ready to leave for the workday. I am reviewing in my head the treasures that I bought at the garage sales I went to Thursday and Friday. I got some great stuff and should post a picture of the kitchy Jesus night light from the 60's, the old 50lb typewriter I practically stole for only $5, the Easy Bake Oven with the beautiful blue-green color that invokes the 50's, and vintage stamped brass tags I found in the bottom of a shoe box full of other beautiful rusted objects from someone's past that will now get a new life. I also hit the jackpot at a garage sale that was selling the remains of the art pencils and inks owned by a local artist who created the Schwebel's logo. I grabbed an old bandaid box full of grungy calligraphy pen nibs and ink bottles and a few boxes of charcol and colored pencils from the 60's. Great stuff! Maybe I can channel the artistic creativeness of the previous owner as I use them. The small old German Bible I found for only a couple of dollars will get to spread its message again but this time as a background for my next ATC.
I also have had a fixation on letters and numbers picking up any metal numbers I run across. The older and more beat up the better. While walking by the dumpster at work a few days ago, I happened to look down and find five or six round discs that had numbers printed all around the edge. They were obviously from some type of counter that was on machinery and I grabbed them all and kept looking around the ground finding some great rusty metal, gears, and even an old registration plate from a piece of manufacturing equipment and have will make it a point to take a walk around that dumpster at least once a week looking for more of these wonderful stragglers of the past. Yeah, anyone who sees me picking up this 'junk' thinks I'm crazy, but where they see only junk, I see one of a kind artistic elements that tell a story and call out to me. Finding and picking up these pieces destined for the dump is like finding a stray diamond laying in the dirt. How could I just leave it laying there?
Now that I have a plan, or many plans for the day, I'll get up and get moving.
Maybe. Or maybe I'll just blog surf at my favorite art blogs for a bit.
That's the beauty of Saturday mornings.
Here are more pictures of pieces I created at Artiscape.
Spicy Pork Lettuce Wraps
9 hours ago